
Administrative fees cover selected administrative tasks of the Department of Plant Protection and the Department of Pesticide Registration. After submission of applications, which are charged with administrative fees, the applicant communicates directly with the workers of the relevant departments.
Department of plant protection - Ing. Medveđová Klára (registration of professional operators) +421 2 59 880 246
Department of plant protection - Ing. Franko Jaroslav (aviation applications) +421 32 6528 588
Pesticide Registration Department - Boskovičová Veronika +421 2 59 880 352
Clients do not need to purchase e-Kolok before submitting requests for services/operations.
After submitting applications, the ÚKSÚP can issue a Payment Order to the taxpayer. The payment order is issued for a specific service, amount and contains all necessary payments for its payment. The payment order can be paid at self-service payment kiosks, in the office's software cash register (if the public authority has it), by bank transfer to the account of the system operator or by deposit to the account of the system operator, payment by economic postal order (if it is part of the payment order), electronic application e-Kolok or e-Kolok mobile application.
Clients can also request an electronic service through the Central Portal of Public Administration www.slovensko.sk. Taxpayers will then receive a Payment Order in their electronic mailbox, which they can pay from the electronic mailbox or print out the payment order that is part of the Payment Order and then pay the above-mentioned relevant fees for payment in the software cash register of the public authority.
From April 1, 2024, in accordance with Act 530/2023 Coll. which amends some laws in connection with the improvement of the state of public finances to the valorization of administrative and court fees and thus also to the change of rates for some items.
All information about the eKolok payment system and administrative fees can be found on the website: https://www.posta.sk/sluzby/platobny-system-ekolok.