Any natural or legal person is entitled to file a complaint against the procedure of an employee of ÚKSÚP performing delegated activities if he / she considers that his / her conduct has violated a conflict of interest, personal interest or conflict of interest.
Each complaint must be in writing and must include:
• the designation of the office in which the employee performs civil or public service; -
• a description of the indication or act by which the employee's duty in the delegated activity should have been violated; -
• identification of evidence, resp. witnesses.
The complaint must be addressed, it must be clear who is submitting it and it must be dated and signed. A complaint submitted by e-mail must be signed by a natural or legal person within five working days, otherwise the complaint will be postponed. Anonymous complaints will only be investigated if they are specific and signal a breach of a rule of law.
There are no legal deadlines for handling the complaint. The natural or legal person will be notified in writing about the handling of the complaint only after its investigation.
Definition of terms:
Conflict of interests - can be understood as a situation where, due to personal or other similar relationships of the persons involved, the interest in the impartial and objective performance of the function and performance of tasks is or could be disturbed or endangered.
Personal interest - can be understood as a subjective opinion, which is based on intellectual activity, on the evaluation criteria of an individual and which will bring him a property benefit or other benefit to persons close to him.
Conflict of interests - can be understood as a conflict of interests, which can lead the employee to cross or overlap interests and responsibilities, which allows the employee in the performance of his function to prioritize personal interest over the public interest.
Delegated activity - is an activity performed by an employee of the Central Agricultural Inspection and Testing Institute, delegated to him by the Agricultural Paying Agency within the framework of the rural development program and the implementation of market measures.
Delegated activities within the meaning of the applicable Agreement on Delegation of Activities and Mutual Information are:
control and registration, collection and processing in the organization of the market for plant commodities; -
performance of inspections of the measure Agri-environmental payments from the Rural Development Program of the Slovak Republic for the relevant period.