Guidance for the authorisation holders or parallel trade permit holders concerning submission of reports on sales amount of plant protection products.

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Guidance for the authorisation holders or parallel trade permit holders concerning submission of reports on sales amount of plant protection products according to § 35 (4) of the Plant Health Care Act No 405/2011 Coll. and on sales amount of auxiliary products in plant protection according to § 25 (6) of Act on auxiliary products

In accordance with Art. 35 par. 4 of the Act No. 405/2011 Coll. on Plant Health Care and on the amendment of the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as last amended (hereinafter referred to as „the Plant Health Act“) the authorisation holders of plant protection products and parallel trade permit holders are obliged to send to the Control Institute a report on the sales amounts of all authorised or permitted plant protection products annualy by 31 January of the following year at the latest. The obligation also applies to the products for which the validity of the authorisation or permit period has already expired but they were granted a period of grace for placing on the market in the given year. The same obligation according to Art 25 par. 6 of Act No. 387/2013 Coll. on auxiliary products in plant protection and on amendments of other Acts (hereinafter referred to as „the Act on auxiliary products“) applies also to authorisation holders of auxiliary products and parallel trade permit holders of auxiliary products.

The report on plant protection products shall be submitted in a form of a table which can be found in the Annex 4 of the Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic No. 491/2011 Coll. on record keeping on plant protection products and on data reporting, on conditions and procedures for storing and handling of plant protection products and on cleaning of used application equipment and the report on auxiliary products shall be submitted in a form of a table which can be found in the Annex 17 of the Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic No. 477/2013 Coll. implementing the Act on auxiliary products (both tables can be found at the end of this Guidance or at the web-pages and All authorised or permitted products (including those for which the validity of the authorisation or permit period has already expired but they were granted a period of grace for placing on the market in the given year) have to be stated in the tables including products which were not placed on the market in the given year with marking this fact in the table. If none of the authorised or permitted products have been placed on the market, it is sufficient to communicate this fact by an official letter (it is not necessary to fill-in the table).

If the same legal person is the authorisation holder or parallel trade permit holder for both plant protection products and auxiliary products he shall submit the report for these products on separate forms (plant protection products on the form of the Annex 4 of the Decree No. 491/2011 and auxiliary products on the form of the Annex 17 of the Decree No. 477/2013).

If another company (a representative of authorisation holder of plant protection products, a distributor, etc) is going to submit the report on behalf of the authorisation or parallel trade permit holder, it is necessary to inform the Control Institute about this fact before the submission of the report or together with the report at the latest. If more companies are going to submit the report on behalf of the authorisation or parallel trade permit holder, together with the notification of this fact it is necessary to inform the Control Institute also which company will send the report for which products.  The report which is submitted by the authorisation or parallel trade permit holder or by another company/companies on behalf of the authorisation or parallel trade permit holder must contain complete data on sales of the relevant product/products (it means that if a particular product is placed on the market by more distribution companies the report must contain the amount summarizing the amounts sold by all these distributors, if, however, a particular product is placed on the market by one company which is re-selling it to another company, in this case only the sold amount of the first company shall be stated in the report as in this case it is only a re-sale of the same amount of the product). If a company is authorised to submit the report for more authoristation or parallel trade permit holders it is necessary to fill-in a separate table for each authorisation or permit holder.

Since a non-submission of the report by the above-mentioned deadline can be fined according to the Plant Health Act as well as according to the Act on auxiliary products the Control Institute advises to send the report by registred mail with return receipt to the address:

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